This introduction presents and discusses about background of the problem, statement of the problems, objectives of the study, significances of the study, scope and limitation of the study, hypothesis of the study, assumptions of the study, and definition of key terms.

1.1  Background of the Problem
According to the school base curriculum of 2006, English subject instruction is emphasized on the four skills of language i.e.: reading, listening, speaking and writing skills. All of the skills are taught integrally in the teaching learning activity by choosing one of the skills as the focus material of the class.
Writing is one of the four language skills which are taught in a language class. Writing is a complex process that involves generating and developing ideas, analyzing meaning and making any decisions about contents, forms, organizations and styles. In other words, writing is an open process of discovery.
In English writing lesson, there are many kinds of text namely narrative, descriptive, recount, report, anecdote, procedure, etc. The basic competence of the texts is that the students are able to communicate both orally and written.
In fact, writing skill is considered as the most difficult skill to do in language learning, as Nunan in Rizal (2007: 18) said in terms of skill, producing a coherent, fluency, extended piece of writing is probably the most difficult to do in language. In the same line Heaton (1989: 135) said that writing skill is complicated and sometimes difficult to teach, requiring mastery not only of grammatical and rhetorical devise but also conceptual and judgment element. Moreover, Havsari in Rizal (2007: 20) states some other difficulties in writing process such as stating the main ideas and controlling ideas which are caused by the lack of vocabulary. Lacks of vocabulary items can also make troubles to the students in organizing the ideas coherently and cohesively. The last is the lack of mastering the grammar; it usually causes the students’ error to choose the preposition and tenses. That’s why students often find troubles when they have to write a simple sentence or even to construct a paragraph or a composition. They tend to find out what to do first or what kinds of grammar should be used.
The complexity of writing faced by the students as stated by Arnaudent (1981: 179) is that the writer will write a series of related paragraph, not one paragraph only: A series of related paragraph is called writing. Moreover, a writer who is able to write a logical and coherent paragraph will not have difficulties in writing.
The junior high school students as the learners of English may have possibilities to find out many difficulties, particularly in writing skill mainly in writing procedure text. In this case, the seventh grade students of MTs NW Suryawangi also have difficulties in writing procedure text such as the way to write procedure text, the generic structure of procedure text, stating the main ideas and controlling ideas, lack of vocabulary and lack of mastering the grammar.
In MTs NW Suryawangi, the problems that the English teacher faces especially in teaching writing skill are low interest and learning motivation. The problems implication can be seen on students’ achievement in some quizzes in which about 60% of the seventh grade students get rate under 6.5 and only 40 % of them get rate above 6.5. This achievement is absolutely still lower than the curriculum target in which the teacher should reach 85% of the students who get rate above 6.5.
Actually, the above problems are caused by the classroom management which is far from enjoyable situation, so the learning situation or classroom atmosphere seems to be boring and uninterested. Creating an enjoyable learning is a challenge in which the teacher has to be able to make an engagement towards all capabilities to be a total learning power. Enjoyable situation in learning is caused by the totality of the sense to be active in giving participation for learning process. In this case, teaching methods, approaches and media have important roles to survive the class activities. All of them are effective to motivate the students to enjoy and follow the learning process eagerly.

Referring to the phenomenon above, an English teacher should be able to find out and apply proper techniques, strategies and media in the process of teaching learning, mainly in teaching writing skill in order that the students will not feel boring and get low interest. Concerning with this statement, in this study the writer intends to apply a teaching technique in which she will apply a game namely jumbled sentences game in teaching writing skill mainly in writing procedure text. This game is expected to be able to motivate the students in learning English especially in writing procedure text.  
Pondering the situation above, the writer is interested to investigate about improving students’ English achievement in writing procedure text through the jumbled sentences game for the seventh grade of MTS NW Suryawangi in the school year 2009/2010.

1.2  Statement of the Problems
Based on the above background, the writer formulates statements of the problem of this study as follows:
  1. How can the jumbled sentences game improve the students' English achievement in writing procedure text for the seventh grade of MTS NW Suryawangi in the school year 2009/2010?
  2. Is there an improvement of students’ English achievement in writing procedure text through the jumbled sentences game for the seventh grade of MTS NW Suryawangi in the school year 2009/2010?

1.3  Objectives of the Study
Based on the research problems stated above, this study is aimed at finding out:
  1. The students' English achievement in writing procedure text through the jumbled sentences game for the seventh grade of MTS NW Suryawangi in the school year 2009/2010.
  2. The improvement of students’ English achievement in writing procedure text through the jumbled sentences game for the seventh grade of MTS NW Suryawangi in the school year 2009/2010.

1.4  Significances of the Study
The finding of this study is expected to be able to contribute any use both theoretically and practically.
1.      Theoretically
a.       The finding of this study is expected to be able to add some theories of learning in teaching writing skill, mainly in teaching writing procedure text.
b.      As a reference for other researchers who intend to conduct further research about this problem.
2. Practically
a.       The finding of this study is expected to be able to contribute any use for language teachers in teaching writing skill especially in writing procedure text by using the jumbled sentences game for the seventh grade students of Junior High School level.
b.      As a guidance for language teachers in teaching writing skill mainly to improve the students’ achievement in writing procedure text on the level of Junior High School.

1.5  Scope and Limitation of the Study
This section describes the research subjects and research object of the study specifically.
1.      The subject of this study is the students' English achievement in writing procedure text.
2.      The object of this study is improving students’ English achievement in writing procedure text through the jumbled sentences game.

1.6  Assumptions of the Study
Based on the limitation above, the writer considers that it is important to attract some assumptions about this research.
1.       Teachers have various efforts in conducting the teaching and learning process to improve the students’ motivation in learning writing skill mainly in writing procedure text.
2.      The students of MTs NW Suryawangi especially in the seventh grade have been familiar in learning English writing especially procedure text.
3.      The students’ English achievement mainly in writing procedure text can be improved by applying the jumbled sentences game.

1.7  Hypothesis of the Research Action
Hatch and Lazarton (in Rizal, 2007: 7) define hypothesis as a statement of possible outcome of research. The hypothesis of this study is:  The jumbled sentences game is able to improve the students’ English achievement in writing procedure text for the seventh grade of junior high school.

1.8  Definition of Key Terms
To avoid misinterpretation and misunderstanding of the readers, the writer clarifies some terms used in this study:
1.      Writing
Writing is one element of language skills that should be mastered by the students, which is used to express ideas, feelings, experiences, emotions and many others which is written in clear, united, significant, logical and coherent form.
2.      Procedure text
Procedure in oxford advanced learner’s dictionary is a formal or official order or way of doing things. So, Procedure text is the text used to give instruction by doing something with a series of actions or steps.

3.      The jumbled sentences game
Game is a form of usual competitive play or sport with rules, or piece of fun (oxford advanced learner’s dictionary). The jumbled sentences game is a fun activity played in teaching learning process especially in teaching writing procedure text by arranging the jumbled sentences provided with certain rules made by the teacher.


This chapter discusses about writing skill, procedure text, media in teaching English, the jumbled sentences game as a teaching medium, relevant study and theoretical framework.

2.1 Writing Skill
This sub-heading presents about the concept of writing skill, kinds of writing, and the role of writing.

2.1.1 The Concept of Writing Skill
Some experts or linguists have different definition or concept about writing. Havsari in Rizal (2007: 21) states that writing is noun in the senses of the verb write. Writing is making letters or other symbols on a surface especially by using a pen or pencil or paper. Meanwhile, Tarigan (1983: 4) says that writing is a skill used to communicate indirectly with other people. Then, he also says writing is that productive and expressive activity.
Based on English curriculum of 1984, it is stated that writing is an ability to make sentences well and correctly and arrange them into paragraph or reading text, especially letter, stories etc. In this case, Havsari in Rizal (2007: 25) (1986: 65) state that writing language is often more formal than spoken language because you have no way to know how your readers are reacting to your word. You do not know if your readers understand what you are saying or not.
In writing, the students are expected to handle the complex task of balancing topic and then they give their readers some senses of their own personality. Besides, a good writing must be supported by some basic competences such as discourse competence, actional competence, socio-cultural competence, strategic competence and linguistic competence (Gebhard in Aziz, 1994: 29). Discourse competence is the ability to transfer the term to give the result of sentences that coherence or cohesive devices, actional competence is the competence in which it consists of listening, speaking, reading, and listening skill, socio-cultural competence is the ability to utter the meaning of the text, strategic competence is the ability to explain the strategies to communicate and linguistic competence is the ability to transfer on the term of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and spelling.
In case of teaching and learning process, writing skill is complex and difficult to teach, requiring mastery not only of grammatical and theoretical devices but also conceptual and judgmental elements. According to Heaton (1989: 52), the following analysis attempts to group the many and varied skills necessary for writing activity:
1) Grammatical skill is the ability to write correct sentence.
2) Stylistic skill is the ability to manipulate sentences and use language effectively.
3) Mechanical skill is the ability to use correctly those conversations peculiar to the written language such as punctuation, spelling, etc.
4) Judgment skill is the ability to write in an appropriate manner for a particular purpose with a particular audience in mind together with ability to select, organize and order relevance information.
Furthermore, Harris (in Tarigan, 2004: 30)  proposes that there are five general components of writing, namely:
1.      Content refers to the contents or message expressed.
2.      Grammar refers to the application or the usage of the grammatical form and sentence pattern.
3.      Form is the contents of written organization.
4.      Style is the selection of the usage of vocabulary and sentence structure for giving style and message of the writing.
5.      Mechanic is the usage of the graphs or symbols of a language.
              A piece of continue writing may take the form of narrative, descriptive, survey, report, discussion, argumentative, procedure, etc. In addition, to the subject and the format, the actual audience will also determine which of the various register that are used. Consequently, the use of appropriate register in writing implies awareness not only of writing goal but also of a particular audience. 
               Traditionally, writing activities in foreign language classes have been taken form writing out paradigms and grammatical exercise, dictation, translation from native speaker and imitative and free composition. These exercises have often been only section of language study tested in examination and have therefore become the most important occupations in the foreign classroom (in the eyes of the students and the teacher).                                  
              Students in elementary classes are often encouraged trying their hand in attractive writing in the foreign language for fun, while the teacher turns a blind eye to demonstrate his perpetration. To be able to write in a foreign language, the students must be trained systematically. In the writing process, the students must prepare some stages such as finding the material, defining the text and knowing the audience.
The following is the explanation of each stage specifically.
      1. Finding the material
Where and how to find the material to write on? Some people take it from reading material, interviewing with people, talking to the other people, etc.
      2. Defining the text
In this case, the writer has several options to write on, take for example; the writer chooses one of the familiar topics that she/he is also familiar with it.
      3. Knowing the audience.
Before writing, there are two questions that will be asked to know the audience. Take for example; who is the audience? Why are they going to read the essay? If the writer has the answer of the two questions, she/he may start by thinking what the purposes of the writing are, etc. (Assessfulwriting, 2008)
Writing teachers usually see writers that are going through five steps before producing the effective writing product they wish to attain. Before beginning to write the documents, good writers must complete the activity that parts of teachers call as prewriting. After ideas have been generated through these prewriting activities, good writers begin drafting their writing pieces, getting their ideas in form that best fit the genre in which they are writing without thinking too much about the grammar, usage, and mechanics. Then good writers with the help of peers and teachers analyze their writing globally, so they can do some overall revising to improve things like organization and development. Once the piece of writing has been revised enough that the words and sentences written there primarily will remain unchanged and in place, good writers spend quality time editing and proofreading their work, so that it is publishable quality. Once, the work is effectively edited, good writers with the help of good teachers find some forum in which to publish their work. The following few paragraph will explain each steps of the writing process and provide some ways to approach each both as writers and teachers.
Before the writer begin to write, he/she must write about a plan for putting that "something" into form (a genre) for a particular audience. Topics of some kinds need to be determined, and the writing situation for the topic must be analyzed, it means that a good writer should generate ideas for a topic in some ways narrow that topic, so that it fits the parameter of a writing assignment. There are lots of ways to brainstorm ideas for topic (Assessfulwriting, 2008), such as:
1. Thinking
 Thinking is allowing time to think about ideas and ways to approach them and help many writers to generate a list of possible topics. Writers can list their thought before even beginning to narrow or organize them. Writers can list title that indicate the main idea or topic, write quickly in short phrases, and include everything they think of without judgment. Once the list is completed, idea can be organized in a variety of ways: they can check the most promising items and number them in order of importance. They can cross out or add items as they read through their list, or group them in some fashions.
2.  Personal inventories
Writers can list things they own that are important to them, people know that they have significance in their lives, places that mean something to them, and ideas about which they have on opinion. These lists help writers to generate ideas for topics. Personal inventories can be expanded to include things. Writers would like to have pursuits what they would like to go, and ideas about which they would like to learn more.
3. Free-writing
One thing that the writers should do is to think of something to write. Free-writing allows a writer to write without thinking about being corrected or being organized or getting a particular idea down. This free-writing exercise stimulates thought and helps writers pat those thoughts onto paper more easily. Writers write to learn what they want to write about. A good for teachers and students to get into the habit of free-writing is to keep a writing journal, in which they can write for ten or fifteen minutes a day about what ever is on year mind. This is a more structured from of free-writing.
4. Lopping  
  Looping is an expanded version of free-writing that helps writers focus the thoughts they get down while free-writing without worrying about making their thoughts learn. In looping, writers begin by free-writing for five or ten minutes. Then they stop and read what they have written and put the gist of their free-writing into a sentence or two. Next they write for five or ten minutes about the idea or ideas what they articulated in that summary sentence. The process can go on repeatedly, with writers writing in response to the ideas what they articulate in their free-writing, getting more and more focused as they go. This exercise is called looping because writers are always looping back to the previous writing that they completed before moving forward again.
5. Asking particular questions
Another way to generate information about broad topic trough writing is to ask particular questions   about each topic from the perspective of six different purposes: describing, comparing, associating, analyzing, applying, and arguing.
   Writing for a view minutes in response to the questions related to each purpose. When writing from the perspective of describing, ask questions related to each purpose. When writing from the perspective of describing, ask questions like the following: what does your subject look like? What size it? What is its color? It's shape? It's texture? Name its parts. When comparing, ask what the subject is similar to or different from. When associating, ask what the subject is similar to or different from. When associating, ask, of what does the subject make you thin? And, what connections does it have to anything else in your in your experience?
6. Questionnaires
           Questionnaires like the one in the dialogue box that can help writers come up with ideas for topics; as well the answer that writers give to questions like included in the sample then writers get started thinking about general topic that they might like to pursue.
7. Webbing and / or Clustering
 Webbing, which is sometimes called clustering, is a way to begin narrowing a very general topic, like writer might obtain by answering one of the questions in the sample questions. When writers perform a web exercise, they write the general topic in the center of a blank sheet of paper and draw a circle around it. Then they think of as many things as possible that are associated with it, drawing lines from the circled topic and writing down the connecting ideas and circling them. Next writers think of as many things as possible associated with these related ideas and "web" of them in a similar way. Outlining is a more formal, and, perhaps, way to organize ideas in list form, or there are more formal topic or sentence outlines, is which writers follow the familiar descending order of roman numerals, capital letters, Arabic numbers, and small-case letters to demonstrate priority of items either in phrases or complete sentences.

2.1.2 Kinds of Writing
          Podis (1984: 50) states that writing is classified into three broad categories such as Message writing, self-controlled writing and reflective writing. The followings are explanation of each category specifically.
1)      Message Writing
Message writing is a kind of writing, which is done for routine work that includes in it, there are brief memos of the office or usual notes at home. The following are the examples of message writing:
a)      All of the first students’ see me at 09.30 am in the teacher’s room.
b)      See me at 08.30 am tomorrow in the office (Podis: 1984: 51)
2)      Self Controlled Writing
Self-controlled writing contains case studies, technical repot, most essay exam, writing samples on exam; paper and articles that summarize and present information.

In self-controlled writing, the writer has already known what she/ he is going to write or at least know where to find it. He has also already known the content and presented it in a clear and effective style (e.g. “writing an article on the link between die and cancer”). To write such an article, the writer does not have to discover what he is going to write. He has also to select and organize the specific material he wants to use and present it clearly in a way of the reader’s attention. So the writer jots down a note as a memory aid, quickly decides on a writing format clearly as she or he can. These, he states the thesis, develops supporting point and summarize in conclusion (Podis: 1984: 51).
3)      Reflective Writing
This kind of writing is writing personal experience for example, the writer recalls the events in his or her life and reflects it. In this case, the writer discusses the effect of his or her experience or recall an importance event in their lives. Thus, this kind of writing belongs to reflective writing (Podis: 1984: 55).

2.1.3 The Role of Writing
Before attempting to establish the role of writing in the foreign language classroom, it must be identified clearly on these various kinds of writing can be the act of putting down in conventional graphic form something which has been spoken. This act may involve nothing more than the correct association of conventional graphic symbols with sound, which has no meaning and significant interrelationship. For the writer this form of writing may be called notation. This process is sometimes useful when specific sound symbol conventions are under consideration, or when the students are being asked to discriminate among various sounds. If recognizable units of the foreign languages are involved, the process may be called spelling.
   Writing becomes a more complicated process when it involves putting in graphic form, according to the system accepted by educated native speakers, combination of words which might be spoken in specific circumstances (that is which conveys certain elements of meaning). This is of the writing which is involved in grammatical exercises, the construction of the simple dialogues, and uncomplicated translation exercises. This activity may be called writing practice. It is most highly developed form; writing refers to the expression of ideas in a consecutive way According to the graphic conventions of the language, the ultimate aim of a writer at this stage is to be able to express him self in a polish literary form which requires utilizations of a special vocabulary and certain refinement of structure, and this may be called composition (Podis: 1984: 43).

2.1.4 Function and Purpose of Writing
The main function of writing is as a toll of indirect communication. The readers communicate each other without face-to-face, rather than from writing or written language. Therefore, the main case in writing is the messages or information that the writer presents to the reader.
The extended messages to the readers have a close relationship to the purpose of writing. Hatiq in Oshima and Hogue (1981: 140) state the purpose of writing as the following:
  1. As assignment purpose
The writer will write something not because of his willing, but also because of assignment.
  1. Altruistic
By one’s writing, the writer wants to make the readers happy, glad, enjoy, and pay attention to the writing. It is similar to Oshima and Hogue (1981: 74) who say that the introductory paragraph consists of two parts: a few general statements about subject to attract the readers’ attention, and a thesis statement, to state the specific subdivisions of the topic and the plan paper.
  1. Persuasive purpose
The writing is purposed to convince the reader about the trust idea that  is made.
  1. Informational purpose
The purpose of writing is giving information of explanation to the reader.
  1. Self expressive purpose
The writer writes something, which is purposed to introduce himself to the reader.
  1. Creative Purpose
The writer writes something, which purposes to extent the artistic value.
  1. Problem solving purpose
The writer writes the solving problems, which purposes to answer the problems

2.2 Procedure Text
According to Hornby (1995: 922), procedure is a formal or official order or way of doing things. Meanwhile, procedure text is the text which is used to give instruction by doing something with a series of actions or step (Yuliani, 2008: 18). The procedure text has some characteristics such as using simple present tense, imperative sentences, and often using noun-phrase. This text also uses a series of time sequences signals such as: first, second, then, after that, finally, at last, etc. Besides, it sometimes uses some conjunctions such as before, after, while, etc.
To make clearer, the following is an example of the procedure text and its explanation.
The radio is one kind of electronic media. We can use it to get information and for entertainment. There are many kinds of radios. The most modern one is digital radio.
Most radios use electricity as a power source, but some of them still use batteries. It is easy to operate the radio.
The following steps tell how to operate a radio. Firstly, we must connect the cable to electrical power o the cable outlet or put batteries into the power compartment. Then, we turn n the radio by rotating the volume knob clockwise. The knob must be adjusted to the desired level. After that, we can select the station by rotating the tuning knob. If the sound is not clear enough, we must extend and adjust the antenna until the sound is good. To turn the radio off, we must rotate the volume knob clockwise, don’t forget to take out of outlet, or to remove the batteries from the compartment if the radio will not be used for a long time.
(taken from : Progresif BAHASA INGGRIS Untuk SMP/MTs, 2009 : 24)
The italic written is the procedure of using the radio, the underlined words is the series of events (firstly) and the conjunctions (then, after that).
      Teaching writing procedure text especially for the seventh grade students of junior high school is little bit hard. This is because the students have a low interest and motivation besides the teaching techniques applied by their teacher is sometimes boring for them.          Thus, an English teacher should be able to apply good techniques and media in order that the students will be interested in the teaching learning process. Referring to this situation, the writer is interested to apply a game as his medium of teaching in which it is expected to be able to arouse the students’ motivation in learning. In this case, the writer will teach procedure text by applying the jumbled sentences game for the seventh grade students of MTs NW Suryawangi.  

2.2.1 Aspects Involved in Writing Procedure Text
Harris (in Tarigan, 2004: 30) states that writing competence has four aspects namely orthography, structure, vocabulary and fluency.
1.      Orthography is language, which describes the form of writing or a symbol, and language spelling system.
2.      Structure is arrangement of a rule in language become meaningful language units.
3.      Vocabulary is the totality of words, which form language.
4.      Fluency is the writing implemented with property speed, not too slow and difficult.
Heaton (1989: 52) suggests that there are three skills, which are involved in writing competence, namely; grammatical skill, stylistic skill, and mechanical skill.
1.      Grammatical skill is the competence of right sentence making.
2.      Stylistic skill is the manipulation sentences and using the effective language competence.
3.      Mechanical skill is the ability to apply the graph convention like; spelling and punctuation.
Moreover, Harris (in Tarigan, 2004: 30) states that there are five common components writing, namely content, form, grammar, style, mechanics.
1.      Content (content is the message which is extended).
2.      Form (the content written organization).
3.      Grammar (the usage of vocabulary and sentence form).
4.      Style (the election of the usage of vocabulary and sentence structure for giving style and message of the written)
5.      Mechanic (the usage of the graph symbol of language).
Based on the above opinion, it can be concluded that, there are five important components involved in writing procedure text, namely grammar (structure), style (includes vocabulary), mechanic (includes orthography), judgment (includes content and content written organization) and fluency.

2.2.2 Characteristics of Procedure Text
According to Yuliani (2008: 42), the characteristics of procedure text are as follows:
1) Using imperative sentence patterns such as cut, don’t mix, etc.
2) Using action verbs such as turn, put, don’t, mix, etc.
3) Using sentence connectors such as then, while, etc.
4) Using adverb of time, adverb of place and adverb of manner such as for five minutes, 2 centimeters, accurately, etc.

2.3 Media in Teaching English
Media are means of delivering message or knowledge from the sender to the receiver. According to Gerlach and Elly in Arsyad (in Rozali, 2005: 11), media provide human, materials, and events, which can develop students in order to be able to get knowledge, skills, information and attitudes. Furthermore, teachers, textbooks, and environments where the students study are also categorized as media.
Generally, media have two main functions, i.e. they make foreign language teaching more lively, and they are integral part of the teaching and learning process.
Moreover, Els Van et al (in Rozali, 2005: 12) divide media into two namely visual and audiovisual media. Visual media is a visual element that has an important role in language teaching. Visual media can help by providing a variety of context for the teaching items, which is so necessary at the manipulating stage (Wright in Rozali, 2005: 12). Meanwhile, audiovisual is the combination of sound and image (Els Van et al in Rozali, 2005: 12). Audiovisual is a complex media and a rather expensive equipment. It can be in forms of film, television, and video.
In teaching English as a foreign language mainly for the beginners, we can not detach from media as means to facilitate the teachers and students in the teaching and learning activity. Furthermore, Finocchiaro (in Rozali, 2005: 14) elaborates:
“Media or visual aids provide added incentive to learn and are popular and interesting for the students. They give necessary variation and provide the classroom change of pace so essential to maintaining a high level of interest. Further, they are ready means of establishing a quick and clear concept of what a word or structure may mean”.

Before teaching the students, teachers must decide relevant media in relation to the teaching materials. In selecting appropriate teaching media, Ramirez (in Rozali, 2005: 15) states some rules as follows:
1.Media (visual aids) should be directly relevant to a specific teaching objective and should be identified by the lesson that it is to be used.
2.Media (visual aids) should be a convincing representation of the actual object.
3.Media (visual aids) should be suitable size teaching. The aid must be large and clear enough to be easily visible to all students in the teaching situation for which it is designed.
4. Media (visual aids) should conform to some agreed-upon standard for size. There are provisions for storage or protection of visual aids when they are not in used.
5.Media (visual aids) should be simple, graphic, and easy to use or manipulate.
Based on the explanation above, it is clear that media can help the students to understand, to speak, to read, to listen, and to write English. The syllabus, techniques and media used must be combined and modified by the teachers of English into an attractive and challenging classroom teaching and learning activity in order that the students will be interested and have strong spirit in the learning process. That’s why the jumbled sentence4s game is very appropriate as a teaching medium to improve the students’ English achievement in writing procedure text for the seventh grade of junior high school.

2.4 The Jumbled Sentences Game as a Teaching Medium
The word jumbled comes from word jumble where in oxford advanced learner’s dictionary it means to mix things in a confused way, in other word a confused or untidy group of things (Hornby, 1995: 643). So, we can define that the jumbled sentences is a group of jumble sentences that must be arranged into a meaningful message or writing. Besides, game is a form of usual competitive play or sport with rules or piece of fun (Hornby, 1995: 486). Thus, the jumbled sentences game is defined as some of fun activities which are played in teaching learning process especially in learning writing text procedure by rearranging the jumbled sentences by obeying the rules made by the teacher.
The following is the description of the game rules:
a.       Find a group for playing the game.
b.      Pay attention to the jumbled sentences for each group.
c.       Rearrange the jumbled sentences into a good procedure text starting at the time that your teacher instructs.
d.      Do not make a communication out of your own group.
e.       Each group may report its work to the teacher if it is done, so the teacher can catch the time of each group.
f.       Who makes it faster and correctly will be the winner.

2.5 Relevant Study
In this part, the writer states the relevant study, which is possible in adding the readers view on the writing procedure text. In this instance, actually the writer never finds out or hears about the same research on the improving students’ English achievement in writing procedure text. However, the writer has found a research closely related to this study.
This study is relevant with a research conducted by Mahnan (2003). He investigated about “Providing a Series of Pictures in Teaching Writing Procedure text for the Seventh Grade Students of MTs NW Gunung Rajak in the School Year 2003/2004. Two research problems were formulated; 1) To what extent is the students' ability in writing procedure text for the seventh grade of MTs NW Gunung Rajak in the School Year 2003/2004? and 2) To what extent is the effect of providing a series of pictures in teaching writing procedure text for the seventh grade students of MTs NW Gunung Rajak in the School Year 2003/2004?
This study was an experimental design. The target population of the study was all of the seventh grade students of MTs NW Gunung Rajak in the School Year 2003/2004. The total number of the population was 40 students. Then, the researcher used a test as his instrument. The collected data was analyzed by using descriptive quantitative statistic.
Based on the data analysis, the researcher found that the mean score of pre-test and post test for the experimental group was 16.65 and 20.85, while for the control group was 14.75 and 17.55.
Furthermore, in testing the hypothesis, the researcher used t-test formula. In this case, it was found out that t-test was 4.78 and t-table in significant rank of 0.05 was 2.02. Thus, null hypothesis was rejected and automatically the alternative hypothesis was accepted. Therefore, it can be tentatively stated that providing a series of pictures is effective in teaching writing procedure text for the seventh grade students of MTs NW Gunung Rajak in the School Year 2003/2004.
Based on the above description, this study has similarity with the mentioned research above. Both of the studies investigated the teaching of writing procedure text to junior high school students. However, the two researchers used different techniques and media in the teaching and learning process. The above study provided a series of pictures as teaching media; meanwhile in this study the researcher will use the jumbled sentences game as his media.   

2.6 Theoretical Framework
In illustrating theoretical framework, the writer starts to think based on the assumption in teaching and learning process, especially in English has many problems, and activities faced by the teacher and students. The successes of the students in learning English mostly will determine by both teacher and students.

Based on the above condition, an English teacher should be able to find out effective teaching and learning techniques and strategies. One of effective ways in the teaching process is the teacher’s instruction in various techniques and strategies by using teaching media, which are utilized to facilitate the students’ sense of preparation and auditory that they would be more interested in learning. Besides that, the teacher should master some methods and techniques on how to present the materials, and so on.
 Talking about language teaching, writing is one of the language skills that is very important and must be learnt by the language learners. The teaching of writing skill seems to be difficult when the students have low motivation and interest in learning. In other words, the students often get failure in their learning. They get the failure because of many factors like confused or uninterested in the teaching learning process. Pondering this condition, an English teacher should be able to find and apply the effective teaching and learning strategies and media.
 Based on the explanation above, the seventh grade students of MTs NW Suryawangi also face trouble in learning English writing mainly in writing procedure text.  They are difficult to think what they will write, they feel confuse where they will start to write and they are bored in the learning process because they feel it is not interested.
In deed, teaching English mainly in writing procedure text especially for the seventh grade students of junior high school is little bit hard. This is because the students have a low interest and motivation besides the teaching techniques applied by their teacher is sometimes boring for them. Thus, in this case an English teacher should be able to apply good techniques and media in order that the students will be interested in the teaching learning process.
The jumbled sentences game is a game in which the students are required to rearrange some jumble sentences provided by the teacher into a logic arrangement. The teacher can modify this kind of game into more interested and fun game to arouse the students’ spirit and motivation. In other words, this game can be applied by an English teacher to motivate the students in order that they do not feel boring and they can increase their achievement in learning mainly in writing procedure text. Referring to this situation, it can be said that by applying the jumbled sentences game, it can improve students’ motivation and achievement in English mainly in writing procedure text for the seventh grade of junior high school.


This chapter presents some discussions about research design, research procedures, participants of the study, instrument of data collection, technique of data collection, and technique of data analysis.

3.1 Research Design
In this study, the researcher used classroom action research. Kemmis in Niff (in Depdiknas, 2004: 22) states that classroom action research is a research that wants to examine some ideas practically to change something in order to get the real result. Coheb and Manion in Niff (in Depdiknas, 2004: 21) state that the design of action research may be carried out through different combination of people working together, a group of teachers and university researchers, the teachers and researchers, the teachers and administrators, students, parents, or community members.
From the above opinion, it can be concluded that classroom action research is a research which examines ideas to increase the learning process in which the teaching and learning process involves some participants such as teachers, students, and the researcher him/herself. All the participants build a good collaboration in the learning activity to get the same opinion and understanding about the problem. This research will be done in the effort of improving students’ English achievement in writing procedure text through the jumbled sentences game for the seventh grade of MTs NW Surawangi in the school ear 2009/2010.  
Furthermore, the research process will be done in some steps namely planning, observation, action, and reflection in which it will make a set of an activity cycle, i.e. cycle 1. Then, the problem which is needed to be overcome will be completed after having the reflection phase by conducting the same process as the cycle 1, the procedures and the process will be cycle 2, and so on. Thus, in this research the writer intends to apply two cycles, i.e. cycle 1 and cycle 2.

3.2 Research Procedures
Research procedure is the steps of class activity that will be done in the classroom action research. In this case, Lewin in Niff (in Depdiknas, 2004: 20) states that the action research processes a spiral way and continuously, and has four procedures in the process such as planning, action (implementation), observation, and reflection.  All the steps are implemented in the form of an activity called cycles.
The following is the explanation about the procedures of conducting classroom action research specifically.  
1.      Planning
Planning is one of the research steps which is very important to be focused, because the research will run well if the planning is perfect enough. The activities that have to be done in this phase are:
a.       Choosing suitable materials
b.      Preparing lesson plan based on the problems
c.       Preparing teacher’s note
d.      Preparing the instrument to observe and evaluate the teaching and learning process.
e.       Choosing a proper strategy of teaching learning
f.       Pre-test 
2.      Action (Implementation)
This phase is an action of all planning which have been planed in planning phase and is done in teaching and learning activity in the classroom. In this phase, the researcher plans to conduct two cycles in which each cycle has some steps to do and it will be held in two meetings for each cycle. The following is the steps of each cycle which will be done by the researcher.
a.       Cycle 1
In this cycle, there will be two meetings where each of the meetings has certain steps. Firstly, the researcher will make a planning about all needs that will be used in the process of the research. Secondly, the researcher will conduct the teaching and learning process in classroom. Thirdly, the researcher will observe the improvement of the students’ English achievement in writing procedure text through the jumbled sentences game. Finally, the researcher will reflect the result of the observation or analysis.
On the planning steps, the researcher will make a planning about the tike when the teaching learning process will be held, arranging the teacher’s administration such as syllabus, teacher’s note, etc. On the teacher’s note, the teacher will write about the steps of teaching and learning activity for each meeting.
If in the cycle 1 activity the students’ achievement is still low, the researcher will conduct a revision planning, action, observation and reflection. It means that the researcher will conduct the cycle 2 activity. However, if the cycle 1 is success, there will be no activity for the next cycle.
b.      Cycle 2
This cycle is the reflection of cycle 1. it will be held if the cycle 1 does not improve the students’ achievement. So, the imperfect steps in cycle 1 will be revised (revised planning). The procedures of cycle 2 will be the same as the cycle 1.
3.      Observation
Observation in the classroom action research is the method of collecting the data. Hubbard and Powers in Riadi (2009: 19) mention some kinds of methods such as note taking, students’ work and artifacts, interviews, surveys, socio-grams, audio taping, and videotaping, checklist, etc.
In this phase, the researcher will observe the learning process and the students’ achievement whether it is changed after being taught through the jumbled sentences game.
Learning process will be observed by using check list that consists of some factors that will be observed. In this case, the students’ achievement data will be gotten from writing test.
4.      Reflection
Reflection is the last step on the action research. The aim of this activity is to remember, to muse the action research based on the sources of the data collected by the researcher. After analyzing the learning and observation result, the teacher will analyze the action that has been given to the students. This will be done to complete the weakness that occurs in cycle I.
The above analysis will be the input of the next action (cycle 2). The reflection will not be stopped if the learning objectives are not successful.

3.3 Participants of the Study 
Participants of this study are all the elements who will be involved in the research activity the researcher as the chairwoman, two teachers as the members of the research and the students as the subjects of the research.  

§  Researcher
Action research is a co-operative research. This method of the research incorporates the ideas and expectations of all persons involved in the situation. Co-operative action research has the concomitants of beneficial effects for workers, and improvement of the services, condition, and function of situation. In education, it is translated into more practice in research and problem solving by the teachers, administrators, pupils, and certain community personal. While, the quality of teaching learning is in the process of being improved (Born in Riadi, 2009: 23).
Based on the above elaboration, it is clear that the researcher will conduct this research by collaborating with other participants, i.e. the English teachers and the students.
§  Teachers
The following are the names of the teachers and their duties in the process of conducting this research.
1)      Rini Ashri Parhiyati (the researcher)
The researcher in which she is the chairwoman of the research will act and apply the entire planning besides teaching the materials when the research is going on.
2)      Husnul Hadi, S.Pd. (the teacher)
The teacher as the member of the research will help the researcher in developing the planning and action to improve what is already happening by joining the following procedures such as planning, action, evaluation, and analysis by using the observation instrument. Besides, he will also act as the observer of students’ activities in the process of teaching and learning. Then, he will help the researcher to process the results of the observation and test.  
§  Students
The seventh grade students of MTs NW Suryawangi in the school year 2009/2010 will be the subjects of this research in which the class consists of 30 students. The subjects of the research can be seen in the following table.
Table 3.2 The subjects of the study

3.4 Instrument of the Study
Arikunto (1998: 137) states that instrument is a tool which is used to collect the data. Furthermore, a test is a set of questions or exercises or other tests which is used to measure skill, knowledge, intelligence, achievement, and attitude of someone or a group of people (Arikunto (1998: 139).
Choosing instruments of data collection depends on the technique of data collection. In this research, the researcher will use two techniques in collecting the data. The data of the students’ achievement will be gotten through writing test and the data of the learning process will be gotten from check list. 
1)      Test
Previously it has been stated that a test is a set of questions or exercises or other tests which is used to measure skill, knowledge, intelligence, achievement, and attitude of someone or a group of people. In the test of writing, there are some elements that must be evaluated such as content, organization, vocabulary, grammar and mechanics. Those elements will be evaluated by following the table of ESL composition profile proposed by Jacob et al, (1981).
Table 3.4 : ESL Composition Profile
30 – 27
Excellent to very good: knowledgeable, substantive, through devolvement, of thesis, relevant to an assigned topic.

26 – 22
Good to Average: some knowledge ob subject, adequate range, limited devolvement of thesis, mostly relevant to topic but lack of detail.

21 – 17
Fair to Poor: limited knowledge of subject, little substance in adequate development of topic.

16 – 13
Very poor: doesn’t have knowledge of the subject, non substantive, not pertinent, or not enough to evaluate.
20 – 18
Excellent to very good: fluent expression, ideas clearly stated, well organize, logical.

17 – 14
Good to Average: somewhat copy, loosely organize but main ideas stand out. Limited support, logical but incomplete sequencing. 

13 – 10
Fair to Poor: non-fluent, ideas confuse, or disconnected, lack logical sequencing and development.

9 – 7
Very poor: doesn’t not communicative, no organization or not enough to evaluate.
20 – 18
Excellent to very good: sophisticated range, effective word/idiom choice and usage, word form mastery, appropriate register.

17 – 14
Good to Average: adequate range occasionally error of word/idiom form, choice, usage, but meaning confuse of obscure.

13 – 10
Fair to Poor: limited range, frequent error of word/idiom form, choice, usage, meaning confuse or obscure.

9 – 7
Very poor: essentially, translation, little knowledge of English vocabulary, idioms, word form or not enough to evaluate. 
25 – 22
Excellent To Very Good: Effective complex construction, few error of arrangement, tense, number, word order/function, article, pronounce, preposition.

21 – 18
Good to Average: effective but simple construction, minor problem in complex construction, several error in arrangement tense, number, word order/function, articles pronouns, preposition, but meaning often obscured.

17 – 11
Fair To Poor: Major problem in simple construction, frequent error of negation, arrangement, tense, number, word order/function, article, pronouns, preposition, and run-ons, deletion meaning, confuse or obscure.

10 – 5
Very Poor: Virtually no mastery of sentence construction rule, dominated by error, doesn’t not communicative, no organization or not enough to evaluated.
Excellent to very good: demonstrates mastery of convention, few errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and paragraphing.

Good to Average: occasional error of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and paragraphing, but meaning not to be obscured. 

Fair to Poor: frequent error in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing, poor handwriting, meaning confuse or obscure.

Very poor: Dominated by errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing, handwriting, illegible or not enough evaluated.

2)      Observation Check List
Check list is an observation device that consists of names of subjects and factors that are observed.

3.5 Technique of Data Collection
Data are all information gathered directly or indirectly from the samples. In this research, the researcher needs two kinds of data namely qualitative data and quantitative data. Qualitative data will be in the form of statements about the students’ basic knowledge and their activeness in the teaching learning process. Meanwhile, quantitative data will be in the form of score gotten from the writing test. The source of the quantitative data is from the tests namely pre-test, process test and post test.
Based on the data needed by the researcher, in collecting the data, the researcher will use two techniques namely observation and non-observation.
1)      Observation
Getting the data through observation will be conducted by using check list instrument. The instrument consists of the names of subjects and factors that will be observed.
2)      Non-Observation
To know the students achievement, the researcher will conduct a writing test. The students will be required to make a paragraph by providing them a series of jumbled sentences to be rearranged into a good procedure text. In doing the test, the students will be given chance for 90 minutes.
The following is the steps in giving the test to obtain the data of the research.
1.      The researcher will distribute the test and answer sheet to the students.
2.      The researcher will ask the students to write their complete identities.
3.      The researcher will remind the students to do the test carefully.
4.      The researcher will supervise during the test.
5.      After finishing the test, the students will submit their answer sheets.

3.6 Technique of Data Analysis  
This part discusses about the technique of analyzing the quantitative data gotten from the writing test given by the researcher.

3.6.1 Data Description
The data gotten from the writing test will be described by using descriptive statistic in which this statistic covers the point of the ideal minimum score (Mi) and the ideal deviation standard (SDi)
Based on Mi and SDi values, the categories will be like the following:
Mi              +          1SDi                to          Mi            +     3SDi   = High
Mi              -          1SDi                 to          <Mi         +      1SDi   = Average
Mi            -           3(SDi)                to         <Mi        -        1SDi  =Low

3.6.2 Data Analysis
Analyzing the data depends on the characteristics of the data itself. In this study, there will be two kinds of data that will be collected, those are:
1.      Students’ Achievement
This data will be analyzed by using descriptive statistic. It is to know the mean, and Standard Deviation. Mean score was analyzed by using following formula:
M         =    Mean score               
∑X         =    The total of students score
N          =    The number of the students
While the Standard Deviation will be analyzed by using the following formula:
SD       =   Standard Deviation 
ΣX       =   The total of students score
N           =   The number of the students

2.      The Process of Action
The process of action will be analyzed by using qualitative analysis. In this analysis, the data will be described descriptively through two ways such as:
·         On going analysis
On going analysis will observe the process of action, observation, and reflection of each cycle. The researcher will analyze the data without waiting all cycles finished. She will analyze the data directly when she gets them from the participants.
·         Over all analysis
Over all analysis will observe over all cycles. The researcher will wait the complete collected data and she will begin analyzing it accurately after all cycles are finished.


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This is to certify that the thesis proposal of RINI ASHRI PARHIYATI has been approved by the thesis proposal advisors for conducting further research.

Pancor, ………………………………2010
Advisor I

NIS: NIS: 33012121094

Pancor, ……………………………....2010
Advisor II



Acknowledged by
      Head of English Program

B. Rismarini Nursaly, SS.,M.Hum.
      NIS: 330 31 21 210

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